Hello, I'm Justin M. Kidd.

I'm currently studying computer science at the University of Toronto. Previously I was a software developer intern at SOTI.

I'm a software developer specialized in full-stack web development and DevOps. I'm experienced with React, ASP.NET Core, Ruby on Rails, Django, Docker, and Linux.

I prefer ergonomic type-safe languages like C#, TypeScript, and Rust. However, dynamically-typed languages like Python, Ruby, Bash, and even PowerShell fill a niche in scripting.

I'm a heavy proponent of containerization. I think software developers should own the deploy process for the software they write. I think less is more when it comes to code: concise and terse is better than repetitive and verbose.

I'm an advocate of the free software movement. I support the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the Free Software Foundation. I contribute to freedom-respecting software on GitHub. I'm, however, also a realist. I'm therefore okay with using closed source software if the alternative free software choices are lacking. Hence, I'm okay with the seemingly ironic aspect of contributing to free software projects on closed-source GitHub.

I enjoy history, politics, philosophy, and the pursuit of knowledge in general. I occasionally contribute to Wikipedia.

Explore my digital garden, and then checkout Ellie Zhang.


